Pizza Dip



  1. Preheat oven to 350°F.
  2. First, I let the cream cheese sit out for a bit while I chop the onion and get everything ready. If you let it sit and warm it will be easier to spread. This is also why I get the kind in the box for this.
  3. When ready, spread the cream cheese along the bottom of the baking dish. I make little dimples with the back of the spoon because it helps everything bake together but it doesn't have to be pretty.
  4. Cream cheese spread on bottom of paking pan
    Cream cheese spread on bottom of paking pan
  5. Next, pour your marina over the cream cheese and spread it evenly. Spread the onion and black olives over the marinara.
  6. Dish with onion, black olive, and marina added
    Dish with onion, black olive, and marina added
  7. Tear the pepperonis and place them on top. This doesn't have to be perfect either. You could chop them with a knife and make them all uniform but I prefer to just rip them with my hands and toss them on.
  8. Torn pepperoni in baking pan
    Torn pepperoni in baking pan
  9. Last, spread the mozzarella across the dish. I used about 2/3 of the bag.
  10. Shredded cheese spread on top of dip
    Shredded cheese spread on top of dip
  11. Bake the dip for about 20 minutes at 350°.

Finished product:

Finished dip with cross-section
Finished dip with cross-section

I like to make homemade Crostini for dipping.